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By Christine Umapathysivam
An Annual General Meeting (AGM) provides the opportunity to reflect on the organisation’s performance over the previous twelve months and to begin to think about the year that is to follow. The 2022 AGM for Cystic Fibrosis South Australia Incorporated (CFSA) was held at the CFSA offices on 25 May 2022.
CFSA considered reports from the President, Treasurer and the CEO. Each report outlined the challenges of 2021 and the opportunities of 2022 and beyond. The CFSA 2021 Annual Report summarises these for your convenience and a digital copy can be accessed by the link below
The audited 2021 financial statements were also tabled and considered. The Treasurer, Danielle Gibb provided the meeting with an explanation of some of the operational difficulties that had impacted on the organisation’s financial performance. These included the impact of the COVID pandemic, the resolution of the sustained underpayment of staff wages, and the investment in new IT hardware and software. The CFSA 2021 financial statements can be accessed by the link below
CFSA 2021 Financial Statements
The Members at the meeting also further considered the proposal to make a number of changes to the Constitution and resolved to make changes that formally recognised the use of ZOOM technology as useful in conducting CFSA business and particularly appropriate given concerns in the CF Community, regarding cross infection. The new Constitution also recognises the role that families play in supporting People Living with CF (PLWCF), particularly infants and children.
As part of its strategic planning process, the Board has been reviewing the services that it can offer its members and launched a new services schedule at the AGM;
CFSA 2022 Schedule of Services
The 2022 Board
An AGM also provides an opportunity for renewal. Like the Federal Senate, half of the Board faces an election by the Members each year. As a consequence of the call for nominations, the Members present at the 2022 AGM resolved to elect Peter Summers, Carl Aiken and Andrew Hodge to serve on the 2022 Board for a two year period.
The office bearers and trustees of the Vera Lane Trust will be Peter Summers (President), Gloria Lancione (Deputy President) and Danielle Gibb (Treasurer).